Healthy Holidays
November 17, 2021, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Warren Dorothy Busch Library
Adult, Food & Beverage, Free, Library, Virtual
What tricks can help you stay healthy over the holidays? Holidays can be a hard time to stay active and eat healthy. This fun-filled class will teach you some simple tips and tricks to stay healthy during holiday parties and events. This includes teaching you some small recipe substitutions for your favorite dishes and how to avoid mindless eating at the buffets and snack bowls.
This program will be presented by the Michigan State University Extension via Zoom.
Registration is required and runs October 11 - November 17 at 3;00 pm; Zoom login information will be sent to you upon registration. Please register online at or by calling 586-353-0580. (If the situation permits, this may be changed to an in-person program).