The State of End-of-Life Options in Michigan

September 18, 2024, 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Pontiac Public Library

Educational, Free

The State of End-of-Life Options in Michigan

Wednesday, 09/18, 5:30-6:45pm, Auditorium: Through this interactive presentation, Compassion and Choices members will detail the medical landscape in Michigan today, explain advanced directives and why everyone should complete theirs, review dementia’s nuances and explain medical-aid-in-dying. Presenters will guide participants through slightly humorous, thoughtful interactive questions and show a brief movie clip. Our Michigan Action Team members are trained to present clear, accurate information about end-of-life autonomy and equally important, clarify any preconceived misconceptions.We foster a comfortable atmosphere that promotes open dialogue for the audience. Relevant handouts are available as well as the opportunity to chat with our presenters.              Registration is required!
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September 18, 2024

5:30pm - 6:45pm

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Pontiac Public Library

60 East Pike Street, Pontiac, MI 48342, Auditorium


Pontiac Public Library

(248) 758-3942

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