Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

January 23, 2020, All Day

Lapeer County Community Mental Health

Adult, Classes, Educational, Free, Teen

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8 hour public education program which introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. Mental Health First Aid uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to assess a mental health crisis; select interventions and provide initial help; and connect young people to professional, peer, social, and self-help care. The course is designed for adults who regularly interact with adolescents (teachers, school staff, coaches, youth group leaders, parents, etc.) The course is free and includes a manual. Registration Required.

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January 23, 2020

All Day

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1570 Suncrest Dr., Lapeer, MI 48446


Lapeer County Community Mental Health

(810) 667-0500

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